I've returned from Africa.
What can I say?
I've neglected this sweet spot to share my story and my heart with you for quite sometime. In my last weeks in Uganda I was consumed with life...a series of hellos and goodbyes that eventually landed me back here in Fort Worth, Texas.
Transitioning from a third world country to Western civilization is always a challenge, at least for me, and this year, although much smoother than last year, still remained a process. In my desire not to return from Uganda in utter despair, I think I overcompensated a bit, hesitant to accept that transition is hard, period. God's grace abounded because He alone is faithful, and my schedule last week, week numero uno back in the States, was packed with fun, fruitful activities. Monday night I had dinner with my family, Tuesday I fixed up Foxy (the Ford Focus, if you will), Wednesday and Thursday I started school, and Friday I went back to work at First Financial Bank. I was greeted with lots of hugs, and kisses, and love! It wasn't until Saturday, when I had a moment to rest and reflect, that I felt the heart ache which accompanies missing someone(s).
Funny enough, or not so funny I guess, I found myself missing the Lord most of all during this time. I can't explain what happens when you leave your comfort zone, embark on a whole new adventure, and do it all alone. It's like God makes the world stand at attention, ready to bear the fruits of His being, just so you know He's with you, that in fact you're not alone at all. I saw so many miracles in my own life while in Uganda, private miracles just between me and the Lord, things no one else could know or notice. I felt like the bride of Christ. I felt like royalty.
So, what has changed? He never does. His character, along with His promises, stay the same yesterday, today, and forever. I am still the bride of Christ. I am still royal in His eyes. And although I feel like I've been downgraded from princess to pauper all a 24 hour plane ride, it's not truth. It's how I feel. I am challenged to dwell in Christ's claim over my life, regardless of local and regardless of my feelings.
As I've accepted the difference in my surroundings, my eyes have been opened to the gifts I have all around me. I'd like to list them just to show off God's goodness. Please note: This not me having an arrogant "I went to Africa so get over yourself and be thankful" soapbox. :) These are some of the good and perfect gifts God has blessed me with...maybe we have some in common, but for sure you have your very own too.
Thank you God for my mom and dad. Thank you that they love me so, so much.
Thank you God for an abundance of Godly, grace giving, loving me through the storms of my life, friends.
Thank you God for Africa. Thank you for seeing fit to make my dreams to be there come true.
Thank you God for school. Thank you for giving me direction, provision, and favor at UTA. Thank you for a government that sees value in education, therefore giving me a loan to attend.
Thank you God for creating seasons because you know we can only take so much of one thing.
Thank you God for loving us not according to what we do, but according to whose we are.
Thank you God for truth that remains constant when feelings come and go.
Thank you God for being faithful.
Just thank you God.
Love yall. Thanks for your love and support through this journey. I will be sending out letters and pictures soon!
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