Here in Uganda the semester is winding down and farewells have officially begun. Yesterday was the last day of school for my Baby Peace kids. As you can imagine, I was a bit of a basket case, trying to hold back tears, unsuccessfully. Camp is for children, ages 8-13, so I won't see many of these children again before I leave, aside from next Friday when they come with parents for report cards.
I woke up early in the morning, and after getting on the computer, I decided to randomly flip open my bible to see what the Lord would speak to me on such a momentous day.
Psalm 95:1-2
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.
And that's what we did. I can't explain it, but I feel the Holy Spirit was telling me the day's events before they ever happened. When I arrived at school we went directly to P.E., my very favorite time with the kids, and we played musical chairs. We sang, we danced, we clapped, and we watched the most precious children in all Uganda clumsily run for their positions in the baby sized, red, plastic chairs. After, we went to Assembly, which is usually held on Fridays, but was rescheduled so that Pastor Dongo can preach Friday morning.
If you ask me, God divinely assigned this change just for me, and here's why... Assembly is a time where all the children at the school gather and sing praise and worship to the Lord. My emotions whelmed as all the children sang "Hosanna", one of my favorite worship songs. In my heart, with only the Lord bearing witness to the importance of this day to me, I sang for joy to the Lord, the Rock of my salvation. I gave him thanks for the opportunity, the privilege, to serve for two months in my favorite home away from home. I thanked Him for entrusting me with His children, whom I have come to love dearly.
I am blessed. That's all I can say.
Please pray for the children as they return home for holiday. Pray for their safety, for God's favor to be upon them in their villages, and for their parents to welcome them back home with love, peace, and joy.
Love yall! Jenna